Millions invested in maritime drones

The emerging drone company UPTEKO has partnered with DIS with an aim to develop drone systems for ships.

Imagine a drone capturing footage of a large ferry as it docks. On the bridge, the captain observes a screen to determine if potential hazards exist in the water. Alternatively, envision a man overboard in the open sea. Swiftly, a drone launches from the deck, relaying images back to the bridge, aiding in locating and rescuing the individual.


These illustrate merely a fraction of the many scenarios UPTEKO envisions as they craft autonomous drones tailored for the maritime industry. Presently, DIS has opted to invest a substantial sum into the enterprise.


“t is a huge step for UPTEKO. A cooperation with DIS gives us access to resources that willallow us to optimize our drone solutions”, says CEO and co-founder of UPTEKO, MadsJørgensen


Specifically, the collaboration between UPTEKO and DIS seeks to develop a charging station placed on ship decks. The concept revolves around drones, akin to robotic lawn mowers, that dock at these charging stations, primed and ready for their subsequent flights.


“We see great opportunities in a company like UPTEKO. There is no doubt that there is greatpotential in maritime drones, so it was an easy decision for us to invest”, says Michael Gadeberg, director and partner in DIS.


UPTEKO was founded by Mads Jørgensen, Sebastian Duus and Benjamin Mejnertz in 2018. The company has offices in Copenhagen and Skanderborg.

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