Ken Hygiene Systems

Ken Hygiene Systems - a cutting-edge robotic solution for sterilization centers

Ken Hygiene Systems is a well-established company with over 70 years of experience in the development, production, sales, and service of disinfecting dishwashers, lavatory basin washers, laboratory dishwashers, and dishwashers for industrial kitchens, and the food and pharma industry.

In collaboration with DIS/CREADIS, they have developed a robotic solution named Ken Hygiene Systems AL10. The system is designed to automate tasks that require manual labor and waiting time, relieve staff from transport tasks, and make loading and unloading washing machines more efficient.


KEN HYGIENE SYSTEMS was faced with the challenge of developing a robot solution that could be incorporated into everyday routines at a sterilization center. The robot had to be reliable, self-rechargeable, safe to use, and conform to relevant directives and standards. Additionally, it had to transport wash racks from point A to point B, collect wash racks after a wash, and deliver them to a given destination. To develop this robotic solution KEN HYGINE required the assistance of an experience engineering consulting firm.


To address the challenges faced by KEN HYGIENE SYSTEMS, DIS/CREADIS developed a robot solution consisting of a lifting/lowering function, a connection function, and a push/pull function. These specially developed functions were built onto a robot from MiR (Mobile Industrial Robots) that fully automated the transport of wash racks to washing machines. The robot collected wash racks after a wash and delivered them to a given destination.

How we collaborate


When we got the idea for AL10 at KEN HYGIENE SYSTEMS it was natural for us to contact DIS/CREADIS, as they have all the required skills necessary for the development of such a robotic solution. We have worked closely with DIS/CREADIS before and know each other well. DIS/CREADIS has always delivered professional and high-quality solutions and we felt that we could safely leave this task with DIS/CREADIS,” says Kim S. Rasmussen R&D Director at KEN HYGIENE SYSTEMS.

How we collaborate


When we got the idea for AL10 at KEN HYGIENE SYSTEMS it was natural for us to contact DIS/CREADIS, as they have all the required skills necessary for the development of such a robotic solution. We have worked closely with DIS/CREADIS before and know each other well. DIS/CREADIS has always delivered professional and high-quality solutions and we felt that we could safely leave this task with DIS/CREADIS,” says Kim S. Rasmussen R&D Director at KEN HYGIENE SYSTEMS.

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