Operations & Asset Management
Maximize performance, reliability and value of your assets

We maximize asset value and technical availability through tailored, module-based advisory and consultancy services for high-performance maintenance.

Struggling with asset efficiency?

Our tailored operations and maintenance strategies maximize performance and reliability. Customized plans help you achieve optimal output, reduce costs, and extend equipment lifespan.


Concerned about compliance and safety risks?

We identify and mitigate potential risks while ensuring adherence to industry standards. Our comprehensive solutions minimize costly incidents and penalties, ensuring a safer operational environment.


Is managing asset data a challenge?

Our digital and technical documentation services provide accurate, up-to-date, and accessible information. This empowers informed decision-making and efficient resource allocation, enhancing overall management and operational efficiency.


Obsolescence management solution helps vestas update five wind turbine modules
Vestas is a leading global provider of sustainable energy solutions, designing, manufacturing, installing, and servicing wind turbines across the world. The company has a strong focus on sustainability and has installed over 160 GW of wind turbines in more than 80 countries.

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Partnering with engineering experts for seamless commercial transformation and global support
SerEnergy is a leading provider of methanol-based fuel cell development and production that operates using sustainable energy sources such as solar and wind energy. The company produces methanol-based solutions that provide green energy for stationary plants, vehicles, ships, and heating of homes. Methanol, used for storing energy, is a water-soluble and easily biodegradable chemical that can be produced from renewable energy sources. SerEnergy is currently working towards achieving zero CO2 emissions and DIS/CREADIS has been part of the mission.

Read the full story

million EUR in annual increased output by maintenance optimization
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hours maintenance saved annually
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maintenance projects successfully executed
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operational procedures written
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Asset management maturity pyramid

Your roadmap towards operational excellence

The Asset Management Maturity Pyramid is a conceptual framework we use to illustrates the progression of asset management practices from basic to advanced levels. The pyramid helps you understand where you currently stand and what steps you need to take to enhance your asset management capabilities.


Enable operations →


At the base of the pyramid, organizations focus on establishing the basic structures necessary for operations. This includes setting up operational procedures, managing spare parts, and ensuring the supply chain is in place.

Data analytics →


Moving up the pyramid, the focus shifts to implementing systems for data collection and analysis. This enables organizations to perform preventive and predictive maintenance, which helps in anticipating and mitigating issues before they occur.

Operational optimization →


At this stage, organizations leverage data analytics and digitalization to optimize asset performance and decision-making processes. This leads to increased efficiency and higher output from existing assets.

Strategic operations


At the top of the pyramid, organizations make strategic, value-driven investment decisions to maximize return on investment (ROI) on both capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX).

What we deliver

Depending on your organization’s current maturity level, we offer tailored services to help you progress through these stages:


If you’re just starting out

We’ll help you establish the basics of operational setup and data collection. This includes setting up essential elements like operating procedures, spare parts management, tools, and supply chain logistics.


If you’re collecting data but not yet using it effectively

We’ll assist in setting up predictive maintenance systems and analyzing your data. This involves implementing systems to collect operational data and establishing processes to use this data for predictive and preventive maintenance.


If you’re ready to optimize operations

We’ll implement digital tools and performance optimization strategies. This includes analyzing collected data to identify areas for improvement and implementing changes to enhance asset performance and efficiency.


If you’re focused on strategic improvement

We’ll guide you in making data-driven decisions to enhance your overall operations and investment strategies. This involves driving continuous improvements and making financial and value-driven decisions to maximize ROI.


Our goal is to support you at every stage, helping you achieve operational excellence and maximize the value of your assets. Whether you need help establishing basic structures, integrating data systems, optimizing operations, or making strategic investments, we have the expertise to guide you through the process and ensure your success.

How we can help

1.7.1 Operations & Maintenance_white
Operational asset management
Effectively manage day-to-day operations, maintenance, and unforeseen incidents, to ensure the longevity and reliability of your assets.

Read more… 

1.7.7 Safety Machine & Process_white
Safety & compliance management
Ensure the safety and compliance of engineering assets to maintaining operational integrity and protecting personnel.

Read more… 

Strategic asset management
Optimize the value, performance, and lifecycle of your assets

Read more… 

1.7.4 Technical Documentation_white
Technical documentation & quality management
Maintain operational excellence and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Read more… 

O&M Optimization

The key to managing wind power operational costs – manage operational costs and increase profitability through AI and human expertise

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3D scanning wind turbines

A practical guide: How to harness 3D scanning for asset management and efficiency

3D Scanning Wind Turbines Thumbnail
Technical documentation in wind energy

Seven catalysts for operational efficiency, safety and compliance

Tech doc front_Page_01

Troubleshooting session


Unlock the full potential of your 
wind turbines 
with our expert- led troubleshooting session

Unlock the full potentail of your

wind turbines

With our expert-led troubleshhoooting session

Any questions?

Lars Søvndahl
Director, Asset & Compliance Management
+45 23 89 76 12

How can we help you?

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